브라우저의 4번 리액션루터, 멀티레벨 탭 메뉴 만드는 방법?
브라우저 앱에서 react-router-dom과 react-router-config v4를 사용하고 있다.경로 그래프(각 경로에는 렌더링할 구성 요소가 있거나 다음 레벨 메뉴로 표시할 하위 경로가 있음)에서 다중 탭 메뉴가 필요하다.
다음과 같은 메뉴 구조를 받고 싶다.
다음과 같은 설명에서:
const routes = [
path: "/Tab1",
name: "Tab 01"
component: Tab1
path: "/Tab2",
name: "Tab 02"
component: Tab12
path: "/Tab3",
name: "Tab 03"
component: null,
routes: [
path: "/Tab3/SubTab1",
name: "SubTab 01"
component: SubTab1
path: "/Tab3/SubTab2",
name: "SubTab 02"
component: SubTab2
path: "/Tab3/SubTab3",
name: "SubTab 03"
component: null,
routes: [
나는 만족스러운 해결책을 생각해냈다(타입스크립트 코드 조각에 따르는 것은 길지만, 대부분은 경로 그래프 정의다).
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Link, } from "react-router-dom";
import { renderRoutes, RouteConfig, MatchedRoute } from 'react-router-config'
import { Location } from "history";
declare module 'react-router-config'{
interface RouteConfig{
tabName?: string;
defaultSubpath?: string;
interface MatchedRoute<T>{
location: Location;
// todo optimize with memoization?
function getActiveRoutes(match: MatchedRoute<any>):RouteConfig[]{
const currentPath = match.location.pathname;
const routes = match.route.routes;
let activeRoutes:RouteConfig[] = [];
return activeRoutes;
function fillActiveRoutes(current: RouteConfig[]){
for(const route of current){
let isActive = false;
if(!route.routes || route.routes.length === 0){
isActive = route.path === currentPath;
} else if(route.routes) {
let isActive = fillActiveRoutes(route.routes);
if(isActive === false){
} else {
const ChildLinks = (match: MatchedRoute<any>) => {
let activeRoutes = getActiveRoutes(match);
{match.route.routes.map((route) => {
let isActive = activeRoutes.some(x => x === route);
let to = route.defaultSubpath || route.path;
let key = 'main-tabs-link-' + route.path;
let label = isActive ? ` [${route.tabName}] ` : ` ${route.tabName} `;
return (<Link to={to} key={key}> {label} </Link>);
const EmptyRenderer:React.StatelessComponent<MatchedRoute<any>> = (match: MatchedRoute<any>) => (<div>
const Root:React.StatelessComponent<MatchedRoute<any>> = (match: MatchedRoute<any>) => (<div>
{ EmptyRenderer(match) }
const StaticDiv: (content:string) => React.StatelessComponent<MatchedRoute<any>> = (content:string) =>
() => (<div>{content}</div>)
const routes:RouteConfig[] = [
{ component: Root,
routes: [
{ path: '/A/',
tabName: 'A',
exact: true,
component: StaticDiv("A")
{ path: '/B/',
tabName: 'B',
defaultSubpath: '/B/2/',
exact: false,
component: EmptyRenderer,
routes: [
path: '/B/1/',
exact: true,
tabName: "B1",
component: StaticDiv("B1")
path: '/B/2/',
exact: true,
tabName: "B2",
component: StaticDiv("B2")
path: '/B/3/',
exact: true,
tabName: "B3",
component: StaticDiv("B3")
{ path: '/C/',
tabName: 'C',
defaultSubpath: '/C/3/Z/',
exact: false,
component: EmptyRenderer,
routes: [
path: '/C/1/',
exact: true,
tabName: "C1",
component: StaticDiv("C1")
path: '/C/2/',
exact: true,
tabName: "C2",
component: StaticDiv("C2")
path: '/C/3/',
defaultSubpath: '/C/3/Z/',
exact: false,
tabName: "C3",
routes: [
path: '/C/3/X/',
exact: true,
tabName: "C3X",
component: StaticDiv("C3X")
path: '/C/3/Y/',
exact: true,
tabName: "C3Y",
component: StaticDiv("C3Y")
path: '/C/3/Z/',
exact: true,
tabName: "C3Z",
component: StaticDiv("C3Z")
export const Example = () => (<BrowserRouter>
사용된 lib 버전:
"dependencies": {
"react": "^16.2.0",
"react-dom": "^16.2.0",
"react-router": "^4.2.0",
"react-router-config": "^1.0.0-beta.4",
"react-router-dom": "^4.2.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/react": "^16.0.38",
"@types/react-dom": "^16.0.4",
"@types/react-router-config": "^1.0.6",
"typescript": "^2.7.1"
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